Sunday, August 15, 2010

1st Week of School

We kicked off our first week of school last week. Trevor is in Kindergarten and McKenna is doing a 2yr old preschool program. They have both adjusted well to our new schedule at home. Trevor's school day starts at 8:30 and McKenna's starts at 9:30 and they both finish at 1:30. We are taking a 45 minute break at noon for lunch and some outside time before we finish our school day. After that they both nap. Trevor sleeps for about an hour & McKenna for 2 hours. I am very excited to be able to homeschool the kids and I hope to be able to continue. Trevor is already excelling with his Kindergarten work. I don't have a lot of time to take pictures during our school day but I did remember to take one of Trevor last week. This is his desk where we do school everyday.

My goal is to periodically update the blog with what the kids are learning in school. I think this will be a great thing for the kids to look back at when they are older as well as keeping friends and family up to date with what they are learning.

Trevor does Art, Bible, Computer, Language, Math, Science, Social Studies & Writing every day. As well as working on hand-eye coordination, visual perception, listening & thinking skills and character qualities.

McKenna does Art, Bible, and Computer each day. She is also working on a few workbooks where she is learning how to color inside lines & gluing. She will be working on others with other skills later in the year. She also has about 20 minutes everyday where we sit and learn about a particular topic. This past week each day we talked about different things we will be learning in school. She also has 4 to 5 specific "learn through play" activities. I think this is the best way for kids her age to learn so that is the majority of her day.

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